MMA training

MMA training


In recent years, MMA has also taken hold in Italy, pushing many athletes from disciplines such as muay thai, kick boxing, ju jitsu, vale tudo and many others, to practice mixed martial arts.
In particular, muay thai had a huge impact on MMA when wrestlers such as Pedro Rizzo, Bas Rutten, Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic and Maurice Smith dominated the strongest fighters in the world of combat sports in the ring thanks to their fighting skills. thai boxer.
The best way to learn mixed martial arts is to rely on the hands of a professional MMA fighter who will be able to prepare you for a match to the fullest of your potential.
A very common mistake in beginners is to think that what matters mainly for the practice of this discipline is physical strength. Training with weight lifting and bag lifting is recommended for the first few lessons.
Both exercises are important for MMA training, but it is even more important to carry them out by maximizing effort and repeating them consecutively without rest between sessions.
How else would you endure even one round in a match?
An MMA fighter must be able to maintain his strength at a constant level that can last even more than 1 minute and to achieve this a fighter must combine anaerobic and aerobic work as part of his training program.
A good workout can be to work the bag at intervals: 3 minutes of training at 50-60% of your speed followed by 1 minute at your maximum without charging with the power to avoid unpleasant injuries.
This simple exercise will be able to increase your stamina, explosive strength and accuracy.


Keeping in mind that MMA is a much more complex sport than other martial arts, and that there are a variety of training programs with different levels of power and conditioning, it is very easy to overdo it without realizing it.
This is why you need to know the fundamental points of a correct MMA training that is able to improve your power and endurance by simulating a real match.
Therefore, if the match is divided into 3 rounds of 5 minutes with 1 minute of recovery, your primary goal will be to train according to these times.
The final one will certainly be to maintain, or even better exceed, the standards of a real MMA match.
To start the fighter must work on improving his strength and power.
The most suitable exercises for this purpose are weight lifting with the barbell, the squat, the shoulder press, the bench press and deadlifts.
These exercises have always been the cornerstones for increasing the performance of any athlete, but they become fundamental for an MMA fighter.
Once you have reached a satisfactory level of strength, the next step is to transform this static level into a level of duration that allows you to maintain the strength achieved for a longer period of time (for example the 5 minutes of each match).
Once this step has been reached, and with the meeting at the door, it is necessary to develop and improve both your endurance and your ability to bear in different conditions of your body.
You could, for example, associate an exercise consisting of weights with one of explosive strength.
To fully endure the 5 minutes of the round you will need to be able to move from one exercise to another, anaerobic to aerobic, taking as little time as possible to perform.
Another example of exercise can be performed 5 squats with the medicine ball followed immediately by 10 jumps.
Your goal will be to do the repetition as many times as possible in 5 minutes trying to minimize the recovery time.
In conclusion, every MMA fighter who has to face a competition must work on his strength and power, but more precisely on that of duration in order to reach the standard necessary to face another athlete.

Example of MMA training

Given that mixed martial arts require a 360 ° training it is difficult to be able to give univocal indications regarding a hypothetical training for MMA.
Rather than pestering yourself to find the perfect MMA workout, we recommend that you try several so you know which one is best for you.
An example could be a circuit to be carried out 2-3 times a week trying to decrease the program execution time more and more.
The exercises to be practiced must be focused on the muscles most used in MMA and must include both aerobic and anaerobic work.

The training circuit should last approximately 40 minutes with a maximum of 7 minutes of recovery.
A fundamental aspect to remember is that you must always vary your training with, for example, running, repetitions in the bag or the practice of another combat sport discipline.
Here is an example of MMA training to start from:

12 burpees (squats performed with the hands at the sides, at the time of the bend the hands rest on the ground and the legs extend backwards in the push-up position and then return to that of the squat and stand up)
12 push-ups
12 shoulder press
12 reverse rows
12 squats for each leg
20 weight lifts
30 seconds hand extension on the forearms on the bench
30 seconds of calf machine
30 x 10 seconds of fast sprint with 30 seconds of recovery
The exercises of this circuit must be performed one after the other with the exception of sprints.
At the end of the first session you have 1 minute of recovery before restarting the circuit by decreasing the first 5 exercises from 12 to 11 repetitions.
Your goal will be to decrease your execution time more and more.


If you plan on preparing an MMA weight training plan, there are key exercises to keep in mind when preparing for a cage competition.
The main exercises are the squat, weightlifting with the barbell, bench press and weightlifting with the neck.

Squat (performed with the bar)
Muscles involved: quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks
Fulcrum: central
Preparation: Load the bar with the necessary weights and place it in front of you. The feet must be resting on the ground at shoulder height.
Execution: Bend fully with your knees bent, grab the bar with your hands and rest it on your shoulders. Perform the squat exercise by flexing the knees but keeping the torso straight. Your impression should be that of sitting on the ground but never doing it completely. At that moment you will have to go back up by extending your legs and repeat the exercise from the beginning.
Use in MMA: More powerful legs are needed for everything from grappling to the ground and kicking with more power.

Weightlifting with the barbell
Muscles involved: hamstrings, glutes, lower back muscles
Fulcrum: center, trapezius
Preparation: Load a bar onto the floor with weights to begin.
Execution: There are two ways of lifting weights with the barbell, the conventional method and the "sumo" method. The conventional method puts the weight on the lower back muscles since the feet are the same width as the pelvis. Instead the "sumo" method loads the weight on the pelvis as the feet are placed at a greater width than conventional lifting. Lifting, by itself, remains the same for both methods. Grab the bar from above with one hand and from below with the other. Bend your knees by lowering your pelvis and slightly arch your back. Be careful to keep the center fulcrum when lifting. After lifting, slowly lower the bar resting it on the ground. Repeat the exercise according to your training program.
Benefits in MMA: The strengthening of the pelvis and lumbar muscles will allow you to make stronger and more constricting grips for your opponent.

Pectoral bench
Muscles involved: pectoral muscles, deltoids, triceps
Preparation: Position the bar at a height that allows you to push it up and return to the starting position.
Execution: Before unhooking the bar, make sure your shoulder blades are as close together as possible. During the lifting, pay attention that your shoulders rise at the same time and try to keep the position reached. This will help you stabilize. Slowly lower your elbows towards the breastbone so that you are less stressful on the return.
Use in MMA: While the bench press is not one of the most functional exercises for MMA, it will be able to increase your strength and confidence in yourself, as well as increase the strength of your fists.

lifts Muscles involved: Rhomboids, posterior delts, biceps
Preparation: Wear a belt with weights around your waist or chains around your neck.
Execution: grab the bar with your hands and lift yourself up resting your chin on it and then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise according to your training program.
Benefits for MMA: This exercise is very helpful in improving your ability to subdue the opponent.
Always try these exercises with your instructor who will increase the weights according to your abilities and vary them in order to maximize your performance.


Muay Thai is a very effective attack martial art that originated in Thailand.
Employ the use of hands, feet, elbows and knees to counter your opponent.
When the whole world realized the effectiveness of Thai boxing during MMA matches, muay thai or Thai boxing became one of the essential skills learned by mixed martial arts fighters.

What are the Thai boxing techniques or muay thai training that can be useful during MMA matches?

Thai Boxing Techniques Are Useful During Long Lasting Fights - One kick can cause more damage than any other blow. For example, using the front kick you can keep your opponent at a distance or inflict very powerful blows to the abdomen or head. Another important kick in Thai boxing is the low kick which can be considered one of the most effective kicks in muay thai. Very few are needed placed in the right place to force your opponent to surrender: even a single correct low kick is able to bring a professional fighter to his knees. Another deadly Thai boxing technique is the high kick that aims to the head: this will ensure you a spectacular KO.

Learning to use the elbow and knee Thai boxing techniques for short distances and the clinch - These are two deadly weapons to use when you are close to your opponent. Muay Thai training is able to teach you the most effective method to counter it. Just consider that in all MMA matches the wrestlers willingly use the clinch technique. It is important to know how to use it at its best with a correct and complete muay thai training.

Thai boxing teaches you how to effectively hit your opponent's legs - Using low kicks to knock out your opponent's legs is a very effective strategy. In fact, not having the ability to walk or even stand will force your opponent to surrender. A single low kick is capable of causing these effects if done correctly.

Learning different ways to control your opponent during the clinch - Using the Thai boxing clinch greatly increases the MMA fighter's ability to control the opponent's head and neck. From this position you will be able to learn how to knock out a wrestler by applying the right pressure on the neck. From the clinch it is also possible to hit the opponent's entire body with knees. There is nothing to say about knee knees: they are quite a powerful and effective weapon.

Muay Thai teaches how to defend against very different attacks. Thanks to muay thai, an MMA fighter will be able to respond to any type of attack.

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