Thai boxing guard

Thai boxing and muay thai guard - quickly improve your guard

Thai boxing guard

To practice thai boxing and face a muay thai match it is not enough to hit the bag with fists and kicks and then get on a boxing ring .

It is essential to know how to come out of the ring victorious and there? ? only possible by knowing how to protect yourself from opponent attacks of kicks, knees, elbows and punches.

So learning the guard for thai boxing ? absolutely essential for all fighters of this discipline.

The right thai boxing guard

The classic Thai boxing guard is associated with the master Ketr Sriyapai of the Chua Chaiya camp.
The starting position must be perfect, with the feet parallel to each other in order to be able to move both with the right leg and with the left leg during the opponent's attacks.
Basic principle? that the arm raised for the guard must coincide with the forward leg of the fighter.
Remember that the legs must be slightly bent in order to facilitate defense against opponent attacks.
It is important that the body is not perfectly in a straight line with that of the opponent but that it is displaced by about 2/3 from the front position.

To properly perform a Thai boxing guard ? also good to know what are the weaknesses that guard? can protect.
An example ? the femur since? part of the line that starts from the groin and reaches the Achilles heel.

The correct position of the Thai boxing guard ? the following: one arm raised with the fist in front of the face level The other fist half back? of the arm that lies forward in order to protect the ribs and abdominals. The elbows must be in a position of alert, ready for a possible attack.

The aforementioned position? the normal Thai boxing guard adopted by almost all fighters to defend themselves from their opponent.
Why? arm moved towards the chest? to protect a fundamental and very fragile part of our body the ribs, which form the rib cage that protect the fundamental vital organ of our body: the heart.
At the level of the stomach there are no ribs to protect other important organs such as the liver and kidneys, their only protection are the muscles which must therefore be trained to the maximum.

There are numerous muay thai attacks that can cause serious damage to the chest with the consequence of breaking ribs and in the worst case with damage to internal organs.
That's why ? absolutely essential to know and know how to correctly execute the Thai boxing guard , to prevent these serious physical damage caused by the opponent's attacks.

When you are surprised by the other fighter with a clinch, remember that the Thai boxing guard could be of great help: with the arm that is forward hit the opponent keeping the arms closed to protect the liver and kidneys.

The right movements for the Thai boxing guard

In ancient times the movements used to approach one's opponent were the "steps of Sam Khun".

Thanks to these basic movements, the Thai boxing fighter ? able to move forward and backward very quickly, making it almost impossible to understand what style of attack he is planning to execute.

The "steps of Sam Khun" are one of the most popular Thai boxing techniques ? winners during a match: our advice to the muay thai fighter who practices it? not to be too nervous during the execution, you may miss the opportunity to launch attacks that could KO your opponent.

Guidelines for a correct execution of the Thai boxing guard

In Thai boxing, every part of the fighter's body must be in sync during the movements.

The bust intended up to the stomach,? the part of the body that is in direct competition with the opponent. The fighter must be able to twist it in order to avoid the opponent's blows or at least to reduce them.

The feet must remain in harmony with the rest of the body. The toes must be positioned slightly inwards while the shins must remain parallel, ready to block any opponent's kicks. The legs must also be parallel for the fighter's balance.

The arms divided into fists and elbows. The arms must always be responsive and ready for any attack.

Chin ? the pi? vulnerable than a fighter'sthai boxing . When attacking your opponent remember to lower your head in order to protect this delicate spot.

For a Thai boxer, the movements during the counter can be divided into 4 types: frontal, right lateral, left lateral and backward movement according to the opportunity? attack that occurs at that moment.
Another type of movement? the jump that, combined with the different techniques of Thai boxing , can? be deadly for the opponent who suffers it.

Always remember that according to the movements of your opponent you will have to be able to move your guard in the correct way in order to counter his attacks.
The guard must protect all your weak points, never leave them uncovered or you will certainly miss the encounter.

The last key thing to know? that every muay thai fighter , with the help of his master, must have full confidence in his fighting style: get into the ring with uncertainty? the worst thing to do.

Be aware of your knowledge, put it into practice in the best way and win your match.

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