Thai Boxing Courses
Thai boxing courses - Muay thai boxing courses as a Thai camp
Thai boxing courses - Muay thai courses
The Thai Boxing or Muay Thai ,? Thailand's national combat sport involving the use of boxing , kicking , elbowing and knee kicking techniques .

All parts of the body must be trained constantly in order to achieve better performance.
The Thai Boxing classes vary according to the degree of preparation to be obtained.
For beginners, a well-planned Thai boxing course must enable them to start training without excessively fatiguing the person concerned who, over time, will be able to do so. get to take professional Thai boxing courses . Generally speaking, Thai boxing coursesinclude a warm-up phase in which? present the running with relative jump of the rope for the resistance (in the jargon "to breathe"), the gymnastics dedicated to the coordination and the stretching to loosen the joints.
Subsequently, according to the level of the Thai boxing course you are facing, we move from empty techniques in front of the mirror (shadow boxing or in jargon "empty") to improve the movements, to work on the Thai boxing bags and the hitters pao to power up the shots.
In advanced Thai boxing courses, sparring sessions follow to apply the Thai boxing techniques taught during training .
Each course ends with abs and strengthening exercises for the arms and legs.
In Italy, Thai boxing courses are divided into three categories: beginners, intermediate and advanced.
This difference is not? present in Thailand where everyone trains in the same way, both the little 8-year-old Thai boxers and the "adults" (25-30 years).
For proper training, the use of Thai boxing protections such as shin guards or muay thai gloves is essential.
To picere? It is possible to wear thai boxing shorts .
Among the most? In inquiries of the moment we point out the Venum shorts and the Twins Special shorts for professionals. For beginners, the Leone shorts are the optimal choice.
Thai boxing courses for beginners - training schedule

It is essential to have patience why? in Thai boxing , as in all sports, it is improved exclusively through the constancy of training .
To underline the importance of always finishing the daily Thai boxing courses with good stretching sessions of at least 10 minutes.
By constantly following the course, in a few months the beginner Thai boxer will start? to notice the first changes.
The conditioning of the musculature will bring? a general strengthening and a decrease in adipose tissue (if a Thai boxing diet is followed ).
Intermediate muay thai boxing course

Will the athlete learn? to box, perform elbows, knees and potr? participate in the first sports competitions with adequate Thai boxing protections.
In this sentence ? necessary to purchase adequate equipment: Thai boxing gloves, muay thai shorts and shin guards.
We recommend Twins Special for those who want the absolute top and Leone 1947 for the excellent quality / price ratio.
Advanced thai boxing and muay thai courses
The advanced thai boxing and muay thai courses are aimed at professional fighters, but also at enthusiasts who intend to train intensely. high.

In advanced courses, the Thai boxer will develop? aerobic endurance through cardiac and pulmonary adaptation with the consequent increase in capacity? ventilation.
Will Thai Boxing Techniques Increase in Intensity? completely varying previous workouts .
These courses are focused on the following parameters: speed, endurance, duration, aim, and variation.
By following advanced Thai boxing courses, the athlete will have? a general strengthening of the muscles and ribs with a notable decrease in adipose tissue.
Will physical conditioning become? a fundamental element of the course.
Muay Thai boxing courses in Thai camps
The professional muay thai courses of the Thai camps involve exhausting and very hard training. Do Thai boxers need to develop resistance to fatigue, pain and will? to improve.
In Thailand, muay thai courses are divided into two training sessions: morning and afternoon.
In the morning, at the first light of dawn, when c '? still a little cool you start with the run for at least 4 km. The workout that is done in the morning? less intense than the afternoon one.
Here is a "typical" training schedule for muay thai courses in camps in Thailand.
06:00 warm-up
06:15 hours Run for a minimum of 4km
07:15 am Pack training (5 rounds for 3 minutes each) *
07:45 No-load techniques (5 rounds x 3 min.)
08:10 am Sack training (knees) 5 sets x 70-100 alternating knees (fast).
08:25 am Exercises for muscle strengthening: push-ups, abdominals, pull-ups, exercises for the neck.
09:00 End of training
* after two weeks of fighting, the bag training is alternated with training to pao (eg. 3 rounds bag training + 3-4 rounds to hitters pao )
At 09:30 following the meal subject to diet for thai boxing you are following.
From 10:00 to 14:00 absolute rest
3:00 pm warm-up
3:10 pm run (not excessive, in this case it serves as a warm-up)
3:30 pm warm-up of the lower limbs with hops in the famous "tires"
3:45 pm training for pao (5 rounds x 3 minutes with increasing in the last
rounds ) 4:15 pm bag training (5 rounds x 3 min.)
4:45 pm clinch 10-15 minutes without break
5:00 pm sit-ups and stretching
After the workout, a phase of relaxation, dinner and rest follows.